Asia, Blog, Travel

April 2, 2018

Tokyo, Japan Day 5 – Tokyo Robot Show

Last day best day! We started the morning off with an Orange Theory class and ended our day with the sensory overloading Tokyo Robot Show. Orange Theory is a workout concept that I am a big fan of in the states. I loved going to a workout class in a new city, in a different language. See, communication is possible even when you don’t speak the same language.

PS – if you haven’t been following along, play catch up with day 1, day 2, day 3, and day 4.

We continued our trend of finding American things in Tokyo with a stop by the American Embassy. This is an iconic embassy given the history of American Japanese relations, and it is amazing that the embassy withstood the war.


tokyo robot show embassy


We spent our afternoon and evening in Shinjuku, a major commercial and administrative center in Tokyo. It’s also home of the world’s busiest railway station that handles more than two millions passengers per day.

Shinjuku = sensory overload. The district has a lot of tall buildings and neon lights. At one moment, I paused in the middle of the street and spun in a circle just to take it all in. Truly fascinating.


tokyo robot show shinjuku


tokyo robot show shinjuku lights


We ate at a hole in the wall, traditional Kushikatsu restaurant. Kushikatsu is fried yakitori (skewered meat and veggies) with homemade sauce. Just when I thought yakitori couldn’t get any better…I found the fried version.


tokyo robot show food


We aimed to end our trip on the highest note possible, so what better way to celebrate than by going to the Tokyo Robot Show. This, my friends, is a spectacle. It is a grade A tourist trap. After purchasing a ticket, we were guided down to what seems like your parents basement. From there, we were sold drinks and popcorn and every other souvenir item under the sun. When it was finally time for the Tokyo Robot Show to begin, the room lit up in a million different colors as large robots enter the arena to fight with each other. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.


tokyo robot show robots


tokyo robot show robot sushi



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